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Projekt BEAM-ME

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Workshop on macroeconomic energy systems modeling and optimization


21.09.2016 09:00 Uhr
21.09.2016 16:30 Uhr

The expert workshop intends to investigate new computing approaches to massively improve the computation times of today’s energy system models (ESMs) to cope with their increasing complexity.

Quantitative ESMs based on mathematical optimization provide a basis to answer political, technical, and economic questions regarding the future development of energy networks. The decentralization of power supply and volatile generation of renewable energy have created increased demand for more complex technical and economic systems to control production, storage, and distribution of energy. As a result today's state-of-the-art ESMs come with a high temporal, spatial, and technological level of detail and result in optimization problems (mostly linear and mixed-integer linear programs) that often cannot be solved satisfactorily with state-of-the-art optimization software.

This workshop is devoted to advances both in models and solution algorithms by linking energy system modelling, operation research and computer science. The workshop aims to address the following topics:

- Computational challenges for ESMs
- Concepts for implementing computational efficient ESMs
- Improving mathematical optimization of ESMs (focus: algorithms)
- Parallel computing and speed-up techniques
- Applying high performance computing to ESM (challenges, perspectives, practical experiences)

The event is highly interdisciplinary and brings together experts from the fields of:
- energy economics
- energy system modelling
- mathematics
- operations research
- computer science and high performance computing
- energy providers and operators

For more details, please visit the workshop website at
